Tuesday, December 27, 2011

He Orchestrates...

{This is one of my favorite songs!  It always makes me cry as I remember the extreme sacrifice Jesus made for me.  I made this video especially for this version of the song.}

Touch of the Master's Hand ~ Danny Gans
Album: Brand New Dream

One of my favorite things to say about God is that He orchestrates things.  {As a side note, I am NOT trying to start a debate over pre-destination and free will}

When I hear orchestrate, I think of a compose and conductor of an orchestra.  He's written the symphony out and He knows exactly how the notes should be played, what the tempo is, and what key signature the piece should be played in.  He's up front, and as long as the musicians look to Him, He is guiding them as they play.  The musicians are His 'tools', and He is able to use them to create something beautiful.

During rehearsals, those musicians might make terrible mistakes, over and over and over...and over again.  Then throw in those cumbersome and tedious arpeggios or the big dramatic crescendos.  BUT He is patient, because He knows what the end result will be, and He is willing to wait for us...I mean the musicians of course.  ;)
Some of the musicians are able to help each other get better, but ultimately they look to the composer.  He's the One who keeps them on the rhythm, motivated and encouraged.  He's listens to the the complaints and the whining, about sore fingers, aching backs and parched lips.  He understands, because He's gone through the exact same thing.
They also learn to work together as one.  They learn that the piano alone is beautiful, but when played with the harp it sounds so much better.  Then add in the violins and the flutes.  Only with all the instruments playing together can the make an orchestra.  And have you ever heard of an orchestra without a conductor, let alone a composer?
Then on that glorious performance day, we will all be perfect and everybody will applaud and praise the conductor for His great work. 
They Lord has been showing me daily that He is in control, and I definitely am not.  I can rely on Him alone, and He never fails! 

He forgives my mistakes, complaints, and my eagerness to hog the spotlight.  He promises to finish the good work that He has started in me.  And that can't be easy.  But I guess...I know that since He created me, and knows me better than I even know myself, He will be faithful like He always is.
Dear Precious Heavenly Father,
Please search my heart and root out any sin and fleshly behavior that is still trying to hang on to me.  Please Father, show me when I'm feeling discontent or too comfortable, because there is always something I should be working on in my spiritual life. 
God, I pray for those who are reading this post right now.  That they would be blessed and You would use Your Words to give them peace and comfort for whatever struggles they are facing at this very moment.
Your Word tells us that those who believe in You and have received Your Son's gift of salvation are like a body.  We must all work together and that none of us are more worthy or important than any other.  Please Father, remind me of that whenever I start to become prideful or try to judge anyone else.
I pray that You would use me in Your symphony and that I will daily become more and more like You and my Savior.
And I ask all this in Your Son Jesus' name.

Au Revoir...Until next time!
Many Blessings!  =)

Everything in this post is Copyright Tiffani-Joi.  Please email TiffaniJoi143@gmail.com to ask permission before you use any part of this post or any pictures.

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