Thursday, October 13, 2011

Our Everlasting God...

You are the everlasting God, the everlasting God
You will not faint, you won't grow weary
You're the defender of the weak, You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

Everlasting God ~ Christ Tomlin

Everlasting: enduring through all time; perpetual; lasting til the end of time.

Above is the Webster's dictionary definition of Everlasting.  Those are all true of God.  And yet, He is even more than, just everlasting.  Because He was here before time even began!  And He will still BE, after time has ended. 

Everlasting: Alpha & Omega; ever was; ever is; ever is to come; infinity; no ending

The above is the definition I thought of while think about our everlasting God. 

Have you ever tried to think about God's existence?  How He created time?  And that there will be a time where there is no time?  I guess that last one doesn't really make sense....  There a will be a "no time" when there is no time anymore.

We will not be bound to seconds, hours, days, years.  We will be with God forever.

That is so beyond my comprehension...  My mind keeps trying to compare "forever" with something that I do comprehend.  I've been alive for 16 years....  So 16 years times...times what?  Times...infinity!  Which is yet another word I cannot even begin to comprehend. 

At first its a bit frustrating...  But then these thoughts comfort me... 

It gives me joy that my God understands the things that I don't!
It gives me joy that I'm not the one "in charge"! 
It gives me joy that I don't have to understand everything! 
It gives me joy that my God is merciful enough to allow me to live in 'time' that I do "understand"!
It gives me joy that my God is so complex!
It gives me joy that even though He is so complex, He loves me!
It gives me joy that even though He is so complex, He invites me into His embrace!

Our God is so good.  I know that even though I pray for wisdom, He won't reveal knowledge to me that I can't handle.  He understands, because He created.  And me joy!

Au Revoir...Until next time.
Many Blessings!  =)

Everything in this post is Copyright Tiffani-Joi. You must ask permission before you use any part of this post or any pictures.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"The secret things belong to the Lord..."
How beautiful and sweet is this! We can rest in His hands knowing He is omnipotent, and omniscient.

Many Blessings, Tiffani. <3