Sunday, November 13, 2011

Apple Cider Evening...

Last night at church I was talking to a girl and she commented on the weather.  She said, "I'm so glad the cold weather is coming back."  Then she smiled real big and waited for me (I suppose) to agree.

Now after growing up for 15 yrs. of my life in the desert area of Southern California, I'm not really a big fan of the cold.  But I smiled and nodded sideways, remarking that I could do without the rain that we've started having.

Well, at this very moment I am sitting on my bed with a warm (not quite steaming) mug of apple cider next to me.  I have my favorite duster jacket and sweat pants on and I'm feeling very...very content. 

My Anya (a name I like to call my mommy) and I "share a brain" sometimes.  For example last week my Anya and I were grocery shopping and I picked up two sample cups of apple cider.  After sipping happily (and burning the tip of tongue, not so happily) I told my mom that we should buy some cider.  She told me that when she was here a couple days before she had thought the same thing and already had.  =)

Then this afternoon, I walked into the room where my mom was and told her that I think we should have apple cider tonight.  She looked at me. with her head tilted to the left and asked me if I had been downstairs lately.  I said "no".  She told me that she had just taken the cider out of the pantry, because she had been thinking the same thing.  =)

So, like I said...we "share a brain".  =P

I love the posts that Melanie from Forever His Servant writes, about having hot cocoa with her Nana, or sipping steaming tea while writing her posts (well, to clarify, I love all her posts...I just love these especially.  I feel like I'm there with her; a mug in my (most likely freezing) hands as well).  I'm guessing its pretty cold where you are Melanie.  =)

So here I am finally feeling like I can start doing the same.  It's been dropping into the 40's where I live at nights  (which is cold).  So I put my flannel sheets on last week.  (Which is pretty dangerous, because I'm already the "queen of the snooze button," maybe the "princess" by now (I've been working on my "problem") and the flannels aren't really helping in the getting-out-of-bed department).

I thought I would make a list of all the reasons I like the cold weather...  I'm not really sure how long its going to be...  *giggle* *giggle*

~I love being able to wear cozy sweatshirts~

~I love sipping hot apple cider or hot cocoa~

~I love hearing the heater come on in the morning.  It lulls me back to sleep~

~I love feeling the softness of flannel sheets~

~I love the holidays that go with cold weather, because I get to see family~

~I love feeling snuggly in cozy jammie pants~

~I love when my kitty Wiggles gets cold enough to sleep on my bed all night~

~I love any excuse to wear a cute hat~

~I love the aroma of crisp, clear long as I am warm~

Wow, that was longer than I thought.  So I guess I have to admit that I like the cold weather...  I like it as long as I'm still warm.  =)

Au Revoir...Until next time.
Many Blessings!  =)

Everything in this post is Copyright Tiffani-Joi.  Please email to ask permission before you use any part of this post or any pictures.

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