Thursday, May 26, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Wow! Today is going to be a busy day!

I won't bore you by telling you my to do list...I'll just say between things to do at home & out of the house...this is the only time I have for writing today...

Personally, I like busy makes me feel like I'm not being lazy, I have things to do, its a feeling I enjoy.

But the down side is...I don't feel like I have as much down time to sit at my Father's feet.  I'm reading a book right now called "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World".  (I saw the book in a book store a couple years ago & was really drawn to it, but didn't buy it.  Then about a year after that, my mom bought it & started telling me how good it was.  So of course I wished I had bought it when it caught my eye...)

In the book the author Joanna Weaver talks about the two hearts of Mary & Martha from the Bible.  Luke 10:38-42.  (I'm sure I'll be quoting from the book in the near future... =)  )

Unfortunately I don't have time to quote from the book now...I know...I'm not setting a very good example of being still...but honestly I don't have time.  (I have two minutes left to write...)

The good thing is, that I can talk to my Abba Father anywhere...of course I'd rather it be in my "special prayer spot".  Alone, with no distractions.  But there are some days where it can't always happen.  But tomorrow is another day...another day that isn't as busy, so I'll be able to spend that time with Him.  Today might be a bunch of scrambled "thought prayers" that jump from one topic to the next...but I think as long as our mindset is right...we can be at the feet of God wherever we are.

Au Revoir...until next time.  =)
Many Blessings!

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