Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The "Official" Welcome Post... =)

I didn't want the first post of this blog to be a welcome post...that's just me...I wanted to have the feeling that I'd already started & that I had been posting for a long time...but, again...that's just me.

So, welcome to my new blog...I've always wanted to have a blog like this, but I've told myself, if you can't keep your other blogs updated, how could you ever write on a blog like this on a regular basis.  But this is the first time I've ever been  really excited about a blog & I feel quite inspired.  I hope you (whoever you are) enjoy it & are inspired too!!  My prayer for this blog is that the Lord directs anything & everything that goes into it.  That He will write the words &; that those who read them will be blessed beyond measure &; praise the Father in heaven!  Amen!

Music is so inspiring!  I think lots of Christian artists would agree that when they sit down to write a song, they are inspired by the Lord on what to write.

I believe music is a way God speaks to me.  Either by whispering His "original" lyrics into my heart, that I scramble to write down on a piece of paper.  OR by flowing more well known lyrics, that He's whispered to someone else heart into my heart.  That's why at the beginning of each post I should have at least part of a song that will go along with what I'll be scrambling to write down.  Because chances are, that it was that very song which started the inspiration for the post in the first place.

Au Revoir...until next time.  =)
Many Blessings!

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