Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One Lovely Blog...

Whatever is true, what ever is noble...whatever is right
Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely...it can be in might
If there is anything good in this world...Just think about it
Just think about that

Think About That ~ Janna Long
(Also found in Philippians 4:8)

I am quite joyful right now...I was tagged by Sierra at His Handmaiden

I am supposed to tell you all 7 things about myself and then tag 15 other blogs!

Ok, here it goes:

1~ I love acting onstage.  It gives me such joy to entertain people, I also love the spontaneity of theatre as well... You can't call "cut" in the middle of a show...I know it probably sounds weird, but I actually like it when little things go wrong...it keeps me on my toes (so to speak).  =)

2~ Those of you who know me, know that I am the biggest fan of I Love Lucy, now you may beg to differ...but I'm completely serious.  My dad says I'm "freak-ish" when it comes to I Love Lucy.  In the most loving way of course...  =)  I own all the seasons & have seen each episode at least 20 times... My absolute favorites probably more than 100 times...and I'm not exaggerating.    =P

3~ My favorite theatre play is Cats.  I'm planning on buying myself a ticket as an early birthday present to me, when it plays near where I live in January.  =)

4~ I own one cat named Wiggles (or as I like to call him...Caluba...long story...and I don't even know if I remember why I call him that, anymore).

5~ I am a hopeless romantic... (Ok, so not hopeless!)  I just really, really like happy endings...especially the ones that make me cry or make say "awwwww".

6~ I call my mom, Anya.  You know what happens when you're in a big group of people and you call "mom"...  My mom never hears me...and even if she does, she doesn't know it's me...  So I call her Anya (it means mommy in Hungarian (and yes, I am part Hungarian  =)  ))

7~ I love tea parties.  Whether it's just me and my mom or a sweet sister in Christ or one of the very girly ones.  Where the table is set up just so...there are the fancy tea cups, you get dressed up & of course talk in your best British accent!  =)

Wow, that was harder than I thought it was going to be...

So the blogs I'm tagging...

I know that's not 15...unfortunately I don't follow that many blogs...  Also, I know some of you have already been tagged, but I still think your blogs are lovely!

Au Revoir...Until next time.
Many Blessings!  =)


Unknown said...

Thank you, friend. :) Thankful that the Lord uses it to bless you!

I love that idea with your mom's name...I totally understand! You say "mom" and 15 different heads turn towards you. *smile

Blessings on your day, Tiffani!

By His grace,

Unknown said...

I love your seven things! I know, it's sooooo hard to come up with them! Thanks, M'dear! <3 Love you!

Blessings on your day,