Tuesday, November 1, 2011

You Are My All In All ~ Part 1

You are my strength when I am weak

You Are My All In All ~ Nichole Nordeman

I'm not sure if you remember my post about my wanting to do a 'series' of sorts based on Nichole Nordeman's song You Are My All In All.  It was a while ago...so here's the link in case you forgot or never saw it.

I haven't even thinking about the series lately, but a couple days ago my something happened to me (well, quite a few events happened) and when I started praying this song popped into my head again, and I began to understand the first verse even more.

So...last week was really busy for me. 
Trust me! 
It was busy, stressful, & most of the activities kept me from studying what I needed to for my next CollegePlus! coaching call.

I won't bore you with my entire schedule.  I will get to the point.  =)
 My point is that the only time I felt tired was the end of the last day, when I knew that was finished with certain commitments.  And knew that the next day I would be able to devote entirely to my studies.

I literally drove home from work on Friday (I had stopped at In N'
 Out on the way home, because I felt like I deserved it after my hard week  =P), took one step inside the house and felt like I could've collapsed if I had been next to something soft.  It was the first time I had felt the slightest bit fatigued since those commitments came up. 

I kicked off my shoes, grabbed a plate and went up to my room after saying hello to my parents.  They were on a date (yes, at home =) ) so they had no problem with me shutting myself in my room.

I ended up asleep by 9PM that night...which is early for me, because by the time I get in bed, pray, then finally fall asleep, its usually around 11, 11:30PM.
During that prayer time, (which I'm ashamed to say was probably cut short because I fell asleep,) was when Nichole Nordeman's song popped into my head.
I realized that my merciful Abba Father had given me the strength, energy, endurance & motivation to get me through the week.  And now He was graciously allowing me to be so tired that I would be sure to catch up on the rest that I'm sure I jipped myself of.
What really hit me was the thought that He had given me enough energy to drive home safely (even though it would've made sense for me to feel relaxed knowing that my hard week was over) & walk up the rather large step to the door into the house before the feeling of fatigue overtook me.

There was no way I could've made it through that week on my own.  There were times when I wanted to cry (and come to think of it, actually did), scream with frustration, just walk away, but He kept reminding me that He was with me.  That there were other people right at that very second who would much rather be in my shoes, than in their own trials.
That the sacrifices I was forced to make regarding my studies was still nothing compared to the greatest sacrifice that my Savior made for me. 

I got a very real experience of His strength last week.  Because I realized that He not only has the power to give me strength, He also has the power to allow weakness & fatigue to come over me, when it is necessary for me to rest.

I will probably dig deeper with a word study on "Strength."  I just really felt the need to share this (in my mind) amazing example of His hand in my life. 

It always amazes me when He reveals Himself to me like this.  It always feels like the first time...He is unchangeable, but never predictable!

I pray that He reveals Himself to you greatly in some way this week!  In a way that makes you stop & marvel at His amazing power.

Au Revoir...Until next time.
Many Blessings!  =)

Everything in this post is Copyright Tiffani-Joi.  You must ask permission before you use any part of this post or any pictures.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you, Sweet Tiffani... this post is so beautiful. How much He always wants to lift us up.

I read (somwheres;) that it's not as easy to see the stars in the daylight... as in, when life is easy, it can be harder to see Him. But when it's dark, or a storm comes up, that's when it's so much easier to see our Abba's hand at work.

So when we're tired- but all the time- may we rest in Him.

Many blessings, Dear!